What Should You Put Between Concrete and House?

Sealing cracks in concrete is essential to keep water out and protect your base and hikes from further cracking and eroding. It's a simple process that can be done in less than half an hour. To fix it, you must first remove all the cracked putty. It won't be difficult, just tedious.

Next, take the back-up rods and place them in the holes. After inserting the rubber backing rods, you can seal them with putty. Use adhesive tape and place it on top of the liner strip, extending it until you reach the lowest part. Close the gap with a caulking gun, sealing between all the strips.

Allow the caulk to dry before removing the adhesive tape and repeat the process on the other strips. The space between the slab and the foundation is a built-in design, unless it's greater than 0.4 inches. If that's the case, you can seal it with concrete putty or window sealing tapes. Make sure you seal it before it cracks even more. For minor cracks, fill them with crack filling products like Sakrete or Quikrete. Crack filling is better than concrete since it will expand and contract with the weather.

If you need to curse the sides of the joints, you can use anything that makes sense, even clay or old wood will work fine. The space between the concrete patio or steps and the house is usually referred to as expansion joints. The easiest way is to add an expansion joint material such as cork, support rod or plastic as you pour the concrete sections to prevent cracking. Shrinkage joints must be cut into fresh concrete before it dries, otherwise it will be difficult to cut it. The space between the slab and foundation wall must be immediately ground to prevent future deterioration of the concrete. To avoid cracking due to temperature changes, fill this space with appropriate material that won't compress when heated up.

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